Linda Cotrone

Kids’ Zone Director

Linda enjoys working with the children of the church and community as together they discover the deep love God has for all of His children. Linda has taught elementary school and was grateful to stay home to raise her two daughters, Stephanie and Christina, when they were young. Her husband, Steve, is a biology teacher at Fairmont High School. Her mother and father, Nancy and John Price, are long-time members of Christ Church. Linda has a special appreciation for music and art of all kinds. Linda has been a part of many choral groups, theater experiences, including set design, and has taught piano lessons. Having grown up in the church, wanting to teach children and to serve God through Christ, and having led a life filled with music and art, she is blessed to be on staff at Christ Church where she prays she may encourage children to know of God’s love for them through Christ and to discover the unique gifts God has given them.