What is NeighborFood?

What is NeighborFood?

The people of Christ Church recognize the importance and power of
relationships. In seeing the value of relationships, we know that we cannot
simply be present in our community, but we must be invested and involved.
One way we submit that we can achieve a deeper level of connection and
relationship within our immediate community is through a constant, weekly,
presence of intentionally sharing in a meal and conversation with those who
live, work and play in these spaces. Our hope is to model a sincere relational
approach to understanding and knowing the people and needs that make up
our Kettering community.
We’re planning to engage our community with the purchase of a fully
equipped food trailer (food truck). A ministry team will setup in the same
location weekly to prepare serve meals to those who live in the
neighborhood and enter into a time of intentional conversation and
gathering. The immediate goal is to create relationships, understand, and
learn the identity of the neighborhood we are engaging. With no cost to the
residents, Christ Church teams will onsite prepare, serve and encounter
people where they are. While the food trailer will serve as a billboard of
sorts, we believe the real value will be in the relationships that will be built
during these moments. Each team member will go through a training process
that will encourage meaningful and respectful conversation with the hopes of
getting to know our community better. We can better invest, serve and
otherwise engage with our community as we begin to know more of who
they are.

Can anyone just come to the trailer and get a meal?

Absolutely! Anyone who comes for a meal will receive a free meal.

How often will NeighborFood serve food?

NeighborFood will set up twice a month twelve months of the year.

How will this help us build relationships outside of our church building?

The table has long been a place where people have some of their most meaningful encounters. The table is often a place where joy and laughter are shared, hurts are discussed, and hardships revealed. In short, the table is a place where people so often let their guard down to some degree and enter into conversation. One of the biggest and most important components of Neighborfood is that we will not hold these moments on the physical property of the Church. Instead, we hope to lower the barriers that some might have by presenting this encounter in a familiar setting. Through invitation of the neighborhood, we plan to implement this ministry in the heart of where people live, work and play. The Christ Church team has already begun conversation with city council, school faculty and members of neighborhoods within our Kettering
community in preparation for this ministry. The reception to the idea has been well received and has generated excitement with hopes of moving forward.

How do I get involved?

First and foremost we ask for prayer. Pray for the community and pray for the teams that God is already lifting up. Second, you can give financially in any of the methods you are familiar with (electronically or in person) to help offset the costs that will be accrued throughout the year.

Click Here To Give

Who do I contact if I have any more questions?

Email Courtney, Serve Director

Will there be opportunities for people of different ages and skills to be involved?

NeighborFood is a relational ministry that we believe has a special place for anyone of any age or ability has a place to be involved.

We prayed for this!

Check out the videos below to see how we prayed and prepared for this ministry.