Mosaic will be hosting The Better Together Multiethnic One-Day Conference and we’d like for you all to prayerfully consider attending and then visiting the link below and signing up. This directly falls in line with our vision to become good neighbors to everyone.
One of the most segregated hours throughout the United States is still Sunday mornings. However, the vision of Revelation 7:9 is for every tongue, tribe, and nation to worship God together. It is not diversity for diversity’s sake but reflecting God’s preferred future for the Church On Earth As It Is In Heaven. Nobody has perfected this, and many of us want to grow in our cultural intelligence, understand our biases, and help become bridge
builders and allies. God’s design is that we are better together. The Better Together Multiethnic One-Day Conference is for individuals to grow in their learning and to guide church and community leaders and teams on the journey of leading a multiethnic church and life.
The Better Together Multiethnic One-Day Conference
March 31, 2023