Feed 5000 — Be the Hands and Feet of Jesus!
As followers of Christ, we are called to love our neighbors and share God’s abundant grace with those who are hungry. “Feed 5000” is our opportunity to live out that calling — blessing families in need through our local ministry partners: Wesley Center,  St. Paul United Methodist Church, Neighbor to Neighbor Food Pantry and Kettering Commons.
Through these partnerships, your generosity will fill the tables of families right here in our community with food and hope.
We encourage you to make this a meaningful, family-centered experience. Join us in praying over every box and every family.
How to participate:
-Pick up your box and shopping list after any service, starting Easter Sunday, April 20 until May 4th.
-Return your filled box to Christ Church on April 27, May 4th, or May 11th.
-Donations may also be dropped off during regular business hours at the Christ Church Kettering Campus office before May 11th.

Shopping List
1 can of meat, 1 pound of pasta, 3 cans of vegetables, 1 can of spaghetti sauce, 2 cans of fruit, 1 can of beans (pork or baked), 3 cans of soup, 1 jar of peanut butter, 1 box of hot cereal, 1 jar of jelly (plastic only),1 box of potatoes or rice, 1 box of macaroni and cheese